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Wednesday, April 22 2020

Hey Everyone! We're half way through the week and the MRASP teachers are staying busy creating new activities and zoom meetups! We have some fun activities today including a marble race, some collage, another work out period, and a new tasty snack!

Marble Run

Kept Rolling By Aurora

Grade Level: K-5

Individual or multiple people: Individual

Theme: Engineering


  • Cardboard tubes

  • Painters tape

  • Marble

Location: Any open wall space (or a large piece of cardboard/wood that you can prop up against a wall)

Further instructions or accommodations:

  1. Decorate your cardboard tubes using markers, paint, washi tape, or any other materials you want (optional).

  2. Cut most or all of your cardboard tubes in half the long way. You can leave some full to have a variety of half-tubes and full-tubes for your marbles.

  3. Using painters tape, start taping your tubes and half-tubes up onto your work surface (either a wall or a large piece of cardboard/wood propped up against the wall). Make sure you test your marble run as you go - it's easier to make adjustments when you catch problems earlier!

Start off with cardboard tubes and painter's tape to build your marble run, but consider what other things you can add in to make your marble run more interesting or challenging. This could include egg cartons, rolled newspapers, funnels, popsicle sticks, or whatever else you can think of! With enough time and creativity, your marble run could turn into a full-blown Rube Goldberg machine!

Magazine Acronyms

Cut Up By Carra

Grade Level: K-5

Individual or multiple people: Either

Theme: Self Expression, Art, Creativity.

Materials: Old magazines or newspapers, scissors, glue/tape, paper

Location: table or floor

Further instructions or accommodations:

  1. You will search through old magazines or newspapers to find all the letters of your NAME. Pick either your first or last name to start.

  2. Once you have found all the letters of the name, Glue or tape then vertically going down directly below each other on a piece of paper.

  3. Your next task is to find WORDS that describe yourself starting with the letters from your name in the magazines.

Example: Magical Amazing Silly Out of this world, FUN Nice

  1. If you can not find a word like “magical” you can find all the letters to create the word magical from the magazine.

(*PARENTS: With younger kids, brainstorm words together that describe them and write the words out on a separate piece of paper. This will give them more independence in doing this activity. Prompt the kids to cross off the letter once they have found it and cut it out from a magazine)

  1. If you had fun with his activity you can do it to your middle or last name!

Adaptation: You could make an acronym for a family member or friend and pick words that you would describe them as!

Home Workout- Paul’s Pyramid 2

Worked Out By Paul

Grade Level: K-5

Individual or multiple people: Either

Theme: Exercise. Getting your kids and yourself moving at home.

Materials: A mat or towel if prefered to use

Location: Any room with some space or outside if its nice out

Further instructions:

  1. 30 second Mountain climbers

  2. 20 Lunges (10 each leg)

  3. 20 Star Jumps

  4. 15 Leg Raises

  5. 20 Calf raises

  6. 30 second Wall sit

Start at the top of the pyramid going through each exercise one at a time (1-6). After going through it from top to bottom, take a 1 min break and then go through it from the bottom to the top (6-1). Repeat this pyramid sequence as many times as you’d like.

Simple Banana Cookie Recipe

Cooked Up By Charlotte

***make sure to check ingredients if you have a food allergy!!!***

Grade Level: K-5

Location: Kitchen

Note: This recipe is nut free, gluten free, sugar free, and dairy free. You can substitute regular oats for GF oats, peanut butter for sunflower seed butter, and add chocolate chips if interested!


-2 ripe bananas (the riper they are, the sweeter they are)

-1 ½ cups GF oats

-½ cup sunflower seed butter

-1 teaspoon of cinnamon

-add ins (optional)*

*add ins could be: nuts, dried fruit, or chocolate chips


-Preheat oven to 350 degrees (please ask an adult for help!)

-Peel bananas and mash them in a medium sized mixing bowl

-Mix in rest of the ingredients

-Use spoon time scoop out little balls of the mix

-Place them on a baking sheet a few inches apart

-Press each ball down into a cookie shape, they will not spread out in the oven

-Bake for 12-15 minutes

-Let cool then enjoy!!

Have you been trying our activities at home? Following along with Daily Drawing or cooking up some awesome recipes? Email your pictures to and we'll share them on the blog! Have a GREAT WEDNESDAY EVERYONE!

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