March 16

March 23
Enrollment Application​
The application is the 1st step of the enrollment process.
The application form is in a pdf to the right. Please fill out the form on your computer. Return a hard copy to MRASP along with the deposit. Please do not email the application.

Enrollment Information
(Current Families)
Is your child currently enrolled in MRASP? All the important information for you can be found here.
Coming Soon!

Enrollment Forms​
Your MRASP contract and enrollment forms will be available later in the year!

Long Term Notes
Do you have a child enrolled in a Newton Community Education class or they have a regular commitment that makes it so we shouldn't expect your child? Please fill out a Long Term Note and drop it off in our mail box or in our office!
Forms & Paperwork

Enrollment Application
For 23-24 School Year
Details can be found on our Enrollment page here

Medication Waiver
If you listed an allergy on your enrollment forms that you will not be providing medication for, you will need this document signed by the child's doctor

Parent Handbook
The ins and outs of MRASP geared to our parent population. Any questions can be directed to Josh or Carra!

Health Plan Documents
If your child requires medication while at MRASP or has any serious allergy or medical concern, you will need to fill out the attached documents and have them signed by the required parties.
The top button links to the Individual Healthcare Plan Form which is signed by the child's doctor
The bottom button links to the medication authorization which is signed by the child's parent/guardian

Financial Aid Application
Do you need to apply for financial assistance for the 23-24 school year? Please complete this form and submit it. You will need access to your most recent tax documents.

8/18 Big Email​
This communication discusses pickup, absences, the Hut, new protocols & more.
Should be a good reference through the year