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Thursday, April 16 2020

Hey Everyone! Welcome back to the MRASP LFH Blog. We have charades and a choose your own ending adventure on the ZOOM calendar scheduled for this afternoon. Check the calendar if you want to sign up. Here on the blog we have jumping games, recycled robots, egg carton masks, and another delicious snack. Let's get into it!

Land, Sea and Air!

with Brendan

Grade Level: K-3

Individual or multiple people: 2+ people

Theme: Active, Following Instructions

Materials: Painter’s tape

Location: A medium to large space with enough room to move around

Instructions: First determine which part of the floor is “land” and which is “sea”. Lay down a long piece of tape. The area in front of the tape is “sea”; the area behind the tape is “land”. Next, in the mode of “Simon Says,” you need one person to be the leader.

The leader calls out one of three directions: Land, Sea or Air. When they say, “Land!” kids jump into the land area. When they say, “Sea!” kids jump into the sea. When they say, “Air!” kids jump as high into the air as they can.

There are no losers, everyone's a winner! Play continues until everyone collapses on the ground laughing.

Further instructions or accommodations:

VARIATION: You can surprise the kids a couple of times with random commands like, “Tornado!” or “Earthquake!” to which they can make up their own movements.

FOR KIDS WHO HAVE TROUBLE STANDING: Kids in a wheelchair who can move their chair independently can go forward, backward and then choose an alternative motion for “air.” Perhaps raise their arms, or let out a yell, or other motion/sound they can make. Another alternative would be to clap hands forward, behind the back, or over the head. Or clap side to side. Additionally, use sounds for each motion instead.

Recycled Robots

Created By Carra

Grade Level: K-5

Individual or multiple people: Either

Theme: STEM/Creative


  • Whatever recycled/unusable materials you have! Have a parent wash all materials you will be using, and make sure there are no sharp edges.

  • (Ex. cereal boxes, k cups, kleenex boxes, straws, shoe boxes, magazines, tissue paper, newspaper, pipe cleaners, bottle caps, etc.)

  • Other materials: scissors, duct tape, stickers, buttons, rubber bands.)

  • Adhesive materials (glue or tape)

Location: Table or even surface

Instructions or accommodations:

  • Lay out all materials on the table. Have individuals pick out a certain number of materials and adhesive materials (or give out one long strip of tape to use appropriately).

  • Individuals can use a toilet paper roll as a base if needed

  • To make the project more challenging, give individuals less adhesive materials which will challenge them to get creative with the materials they have.

  • All robots will be different!

Egg Carton Masks

with Charlotte

Description: Turn your recycling into wacky art! Transform a simple egg carton into beautiful and silly masks.

Space: Countertop or table with newspaper down to cover it.

Grades: K-5



-egg carton

-paint or markers

-string (flexible)


-any extra accessories for decoration! (Example: construction paper, q-tips, glitter, magazine clippings, stickers, tissue paper, etc)


-Begin by collecting all your materials.

-You will need an adult to help cut out the shape of the eyes and beak from your egg carton.

-Then, shape your mask any way you want by snipping off extra cardboard.

-Poke holes through the bottom tiny circles in each “cave”. Might be tricky to do, so be careful and use strong scissors.

-Now, decorate the mask however you like! I was inspired by the peacock, as it is one of my favorite birds. Below are a few examples of other colorful birds you could choose from:

-To make my mask, I used acrylic paint to paint the face, q-tips for the funny hair on the head, and green paper with colored pencil for the circular feathers in the back!

-You can also make your bird as wild and colorful as you’d like without drawing inspiration from a real bird. Have fun with it!

-Lastly, you can ask an adult to poke two holes on the outside of the eyes and attach string so it fits snug around your face.

Pancake Poppers

Cooked Up By Paul

Grade Level: K-5

Individual or multiple people: Either

Location: Kitchen


  • 1 1/2 c. flour

  • 2 tbsp. sugar

  • 2 1/2 tsp. baking powder

  • 1 tsp. baking soda

  • 1/2 tsp. salt

  • 3/4 c. milk

  • 2 tbsp. maple syrup

  • 2 tbsp. butter, melted

  • 1 egg, lightly whisked

  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract

  • 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.

  2. Spray a mini muffin pan with cooking spray.

  3. In a large bowl, stir together flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.

  4. Then stir in milk, maple syrup, butter, egg, vanilla and cinnamon.

  5. Fold in mini chocolate chips until just combined.

  6. Divide batter evenly between mini muffin cups.

  7. Bake for 8-10 minutes. Serve warm or at room temperature, with maple syrup.

We have a special drawing post coming later today and don't forget to keep folowing along with our daily drawing tutorials! Have you been following along with our activities? Send pictures to and we'll share them on the blog. See you back here tomorrow for more fun!

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