Featured MRASP Pet of the Week!
Your Name/Grade: Courtney, Assistant Director
Pet’s Name/Age: Winnie- AKA Winifred, Win-ature, 11
Breed: Labradoodle
Where did you get your pet from? Winnie flew here from Wisconsin when she was a puppy.
Favorites: Winnie loves swimming in the lake, rolling around in the grass, following her humans around, chasing birds and bunnies, chest scratches, and turkey!
Dislikes: Winnie doesn't like being home alone, thunder, and barking dogs.
Fun Facts/Anything else you want to share: Winnie is a catch and fetch master, great snuggler, and all around sweetie.
Are you interested in sharing your pet on the MRASP Blog? Fill out our questions and send some pictures to courtney@mrasp.org
Featured MRASP Pet of the Week!
Your Name/Grade: Pet’s Name/Age:
Where did you get your pet from?
Fun Facts/Anything else you want to share:
*include 1-3 pictures of your pet