Welcome to our first Featured Pet of the Week! This week we meet Lola and her human friend Meg.
Your Name/Grade: Meg, works with 4th and 5th graders
Pet’s Name/Age: Lola, almost 5
Breed: Long-haired kitty
Where did you get your pet from? I adopted Lola from a foster in Vermont! She had been found in the woods as a kitten. She’s been with me ever since she was 6 weeks old.
Favorites: Eating, her scratching post, sleeping, snuggling, and lounging in the sun.
Dislikes: The vacuum and the vet.
Fun Facts/Anything else you want to share: Lola is missing the tip of her right ear!

Are you interested in sharing your pet on the MRASP Blog? Fill out our questions and send some pictures to courtney@mrasp.org
Featured MRASP Pet of the Week!
Your Name/Grade: Pet’s Name/Age:
Where did you get your pet from?
Fun Facts/Anything else you want to share:
*include 1-3 pictures of your pet