Calling all writers! If you are a storyteller, join Charlotte and Chloe for their creative writing hour on Zoom - every Friday at 4 pm. We will be playing silly games, writing wacky fiction, and sharing our creativity! This activity block is open for 3rd - 5th graders.
To sign up for this, go to the “Zoom Signup” tab of the MRASP website and click register. There is a maximum of 10 participants for this activity per week.
To warm up your imagination - below is a writing prompt. We will start our Zoom meeting sharing responses to the prompt, so try it out! Spend 15-30 minutes and try to finish the story:
As I walked up the driveway to my house after getting off the bus, I noticed a manila envelope sticking out of the mailbox. Normally, Granny collects the mail to bring inside but my hands were empty so I decided to help out. I opened the mailbox and pulled out the envelope. Neatly written across the center read “Natalie Woodward”. Me. My name. That’s when I really started to become curious. Normally I only receive mail when my birthday rolls around, but November is still 5 months away. My breathing became suddenly rapid when I saw who the sender was. In the upper left hand corner read “The Wizards at Wooded Hollow”...
Now the story is yours to develop and add on to! Hope to see you on Friday!